Commercial fence installation projects can seem deceptively simple. A few key factors, though, can make a job more complicated than expected. Let's examine five things you should keep an eye out for during commercial fence installs.
Know Your Property's Limits
In some jurisdictions, there are limits regarding how close a fence can be placed to the property line, roads, sidewalks or public property. Contact the code enforcement office for your city or county to learn what the rules are for your location. Some of these may vary based on zoning, so make sure you know how your site is zoned before you explore the issue. It also doesn't hurt to build in a few extra feet away from the limit in case something like a land survey cuts into your established area.
Clear All Nearby Sources of Trouble
Fences can be defeated easily by nearby items like trees, bushes, stacks of materials, and just about anything that allows someone to climb. It's easy to get complacent, so make sure everyone at your site knows the rules for placing items near the fence. Bear in mind this applies to both sides of the fence because even a stack of materials on your side can assist an unauthorized entry.
Do You Need Depth?
While we mostly worry about fencing depth to keep things out from above the ground, animals often burrow underneath fences. If you're trying to keep specific burrowing animals out, such as groundhogs, it can be helpful to study up on the species and its habits. This will give you an appropriate depth to sink a fence to keep them out.
Know the Purpose of the Fence
A lot of choices you make about a fence, especially in terms of materials, will be dictated by the purpose of the fence. If you're providing security, for example, does it need to be strong enough to prevent vehicles from getting through, or is keeping people out sufficient? Conversely, simple chainlink fences can be useful for partitioning areas, such as the inner sections of an outdoor supply yard.
Providing Support
It's also wise to recognize that a fence is a deterrent and an obstacle. There is almost no way to prevent a determined party with sufficient time from causing trouble. Additional support for a location's security should be provided. This may include lighting, surveillance, alarms, and even security guards. No fence is magical, so plan accordingly.
To learn more about commercial fence installations, contact a company in your area like StraightLine Fence.